Še v času, ko so tudi moški nosili kavbojke na "zvonc" , ko je bil blues rock v vzponu in ko je bilo Hipijevstvo normalni življenksi stil, se pojavi band iz okrožja Alabame z imenom Lynyrd Skynyrd. Band v katerem nastopa 7 dolgolascev se prvič pojavi davnega leto 1970 z komadom "Was i right or wrong". Že takrat so nekateri v njih videli krojitelje takratnega blues rocka. Leader benda oz glavni pevec Ronnie Van Zant je urisničitev sanj in pobeg iz ameriške realnosti našev v sami glasbi. Ronnijeva preteklost je vse prej kot čista, spremljal ga je kriminal, nekajkrat so ga vrgli iz šole, za nameček pa se je okvarjal z klicanjem duhov, vendar kot je sam povedal je svoj notranji mir našel v pesmi "Free Bird", ki še danes velja za eno izmed boljših mojstrovin tega banda, ki pa je davnega leta 1973 postala tudi najbol poslušana radio pesem ob takratnemu komadu "Stairway to heaven" benda Led Zeppelin.
Po tem uspehu je single "Free Bird" doživel nekakšen preboj med legende, saj še danes velja za nekakšno Rock'n'Roll himno! Po nekajkratnih vzponih in padcih je band končno uresničil sanje in se spet vrnil na vrh glasbenih lestvic, ter se tam zakopal kar nekaj tednov s komadom "Sweet home Alabama", ki še danes velja za eno največji blues rock uspešnic, ki se pogosto vrti tudi na naših radijih. Za nameček, se ga je lotil tudi Tomaž Domicelj in nastala je priredba "Moj dom je Ljubljana". Poleg že znane uspešnice je bend spisal, kar nekaj hitov, kot so naprimer: "That Smell","I know a little", "Whiskey Rock'n'Roller","All I can do is write about it" in še mnoge. Bend je nekakšen vrhunec kariere doživel, ko si je umislil letalo, ki pa jih je na žalost popeljalo v smrt, saj so na enem od poletov strmoglavili. Tisti, ki so preživeli letalsko nesrečo, so s pomočjo brata preminulega pevca Ronnija Van Zanta nadaljevali blues rock glasbeno kariero.
Od tukaj tudi moj moto Don't live to FAST, ki izhaja iz ene od njhovih balad, z naslovom "Simple Man".
"Simple Man" and Don't Live To Fast!!
Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say.
And if you do this
It will help you some sunny day.
Take your time... dont live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman and youll find love,
And dont forget son,
There is someone up above.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
Boy, dont you worry... youll find yourself.
Follow you heart and nothing else.
And you can do this if you try.
All I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say.
And if you do this
It will help you some sunny day.
Take your time... dont live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman and youll find love,
And dont forget son,
There is someone up above.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
Boy, dont you worry... youll find yourself.
Follow you heart and nothing else.
And you can do this if you try.
All I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Zakaj vam to pišem. Nekako zadnje tedne preživljam težke trenutke, saj si nikakor ne more iz glave izbiti misel na bivše dekle. Pravzaprav je bilo že vse OK, sem si pač rekel, bo že saj smo še mladi. Nato pa me kar naenkrat doleti klic sošolca, da mu je v prometni nesreči umrla komaj 21 letna punca. Verjetno nebi ostala skupaj do konca življenja ali pač, vem samo, da sem v tistem momentu začutik velikansko praznino! V tistem trenutku nisem hotel imetu ob sebi nobene druge osebe kot Tine, vendar to ni bilo mogoče, saj sva že šla narazen. Tako močno sem si jo želel objeti in preveriti, da je z njo vse OK. Sedaj se zavedam, da imam Tino še vedno rad in da jo neznansko pogrešam, ampak kaj morem, iz tega nikoli več nič ne bo, življenje gre naprej in vsak bova odšla svojo pot. Vem samo to, da je LOVE res bolezen, včasih greje včasih boli, a takrat ko boli res boli in kar je največji problem za to ni nobenega zdravila, našel pa sem nekaj kar pomaga in to je že prej omenjeni komad "All I can do is write about it".
"All I Can Do Is Write About It"
Well this life that Ive lead has took me everywhere
There aint no place I aint never gone
But its kind of like the saying that you heard so many times
Well there just aint no plae like home
Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young
Or a fish in a river swimming free
Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of carolina
Or the sweetness of the grass in tennessee
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
Do you like to see a mountain stream a-flowin
Do you like to see a youngun with his dog
Did you ever stop to think about, well, the air your breathin
Well you better listen to my song
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
Im not tryin to put down no big cities
But the things they write about us is just a bore
Well you can take a boy out of ol dixieland
But you'll never take ol dixie from a boy
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
cause I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
There aint no place I aint never gone
But its kind of like the saying that you heard so many times
Well there just aint no plae like home
Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young
Or a fish in a river swimming free
Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of carolina
Or the sweetness of the grass in tennessee
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
Do you like to see a mountain stream a-flowin
Do you like to see a youngun with his dog
Did you ever stop to think about, well, the air your breathin
Well you better listen to my song
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
Im not tryin to put down no big cities
But the things they write about us is just a bore
Well you can take a boy out of ol dixieland
But you'll never take ol dixie from a boy
And lord I cant make any changes
All I can do is write em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
cause I can see the concrete slowly creepin
Lord take me and mine before that comes
"Vem samo to, da je LOVE res bolezen, včasih greje včasih boli, a takrat ko boli res boli in kar je največji problem za to ni nobenega zdravila..."
ReplyDeleteRight on! Vem kako to boli... na žalost... ampak življenje gre naprej in boš vidu, da bo bolš ;) vedno je :) pomisl na to, da boš spoznal eno ki jo boš mel še bolj rad in si bosta usojena :) sej vem da zdele razmišlaš da ni nobene bolše kot tina tm zuni ampak jest sm tud najprej tko razmišlu ;)
no pa dost z bolečino in gremo na veselje... veselje do glasbe ;) Lynyrd Skynyrd so res legende :) Men osebno je njihov najljubši komad "I know a Little" :) Prov morm si ga dobit spet, pa ga poslušat po dolgem cajtu :) In najbolj me jezi to, da so mel koncert v Prescottu, Arizoni, in sm bil jest tam, pa sva se z Andrewom prepozn zmisnla, da bi šla, pa ni blo več kart :( Je pa tud res, da načeloma zasedba, ki zadnje čase koncertira ni originalna, jih ni velik originalnih ostal zarad tiste nesreče, sam komade pa vseen še iste špilajo :) Za informacijo, karte so ble od 50$ navzgor :) Se pravi od 40€ naprej :)
Hvala, havala, bom dau še I know a little gor na blog =), drgač ti jo pa lohk tud pošlem, imam celo original =). Drgač pa ja, sej bo upam, če ne pa kurc, bomo že k'k, sej smo Veliki Trije =)
ReplyDeletema boš vidu.. zdej bojo take žurke pa druženja, da bomo na tone novih punc spoznal ;) sej punce smo pa že prejšni teden začel spoznavat ane? ;)