Monday, 24 December 2012


No it's not the end of the world just sky on fire. Actually is last sunset before Christmas night from near hill called Sv. Jošt.


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Panorama - cottage on Roblek

As I promised, new post is here. Today me and my good friend Tjaša decided to go on easy hiking. Before we did first steps towards mountain we changed our destination to a higher place. Whole trip from bottom to the top took us for about two hours. I have to say that first part wasn't so difficult as I thought it would be, because of all the ice. Second part starts here..... After hour and half we found stacked wooden logs by the road. The only way to bring logs to the cottage is to take them from place where they are stacked and put them into bag and bring them to the top. So each of us took two and after a while we figure it out, that one would be enough. Anyway we were arguing for almost whole trip about weather. I was very optimistic about sun, but she wasn't. In the end everything was worth doing it, because at the top we had the best view!


P.S. When I was taking photos for panorama I didn't notice that I cut off bench and table. I think that view is the reason. Anyway I'm sorry for that, maybe next time I will be more careful. What a schmuck!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Still kicking - bouldeR climbinG nationalS

Ahoj! It's been a while from my last post, but I can say I'm back. It happened so much from my last entry so I don't know where to start, but let say I'm gona paste the last thing that I remember. 

So for the first time I was part of climbing competition. Actually it was national championship in boulder climbing. The whole event was a show, a little bit different than previous climbing competitions.

Oh, and I have to inform you that photos in some old post's wont work due to some re-arranging on my FLICKR account.

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SLO, Plezalni dnevi Kranja, finale v balvanskem plezanju, 2012

SLO, Plezalni dnevi Kranja, finale v balvanskem plezanju, 2012

SLO, Plezalni dnevi Kranja, finale v balvanskem plezanju, 2012

SLO, Plezalni dnevi Kranja, finale v balvanskem plezanju, 2012

SLO, Plezalni dnevi Kranja, finale v balvanskem plezanju, 2012

Vse fotografije na tej spletni strani so avtorsko delo. Prepovedana je kakršnakoli objava brez dovoljenja avtorja. Kršitve bodo sodno preganjane. Nedovoljena uporaba materiala se zaračuna 300€ na enoto