No it's not the end of the world just sky on fire. Actually is last sunset before Christmas night from near hill called Sv. Jošt.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Panorama - cottage on Roblek
As I promised, new post is here. Today me and my good friend Tjaša decided to go on easy hiking. Before we did first steps towards mountain we changed our destination to a higher place. Whole trip from bottom to the top took us for about two hours. I have to say that first part wasn't so difficult as I thought it would be, because of all the ice. Second part starts here..... After hour and half we found stacked wooden logs by the road. The only way to bring logs to the cottage is to take them from place where they are stacked and put them into bag and bring them to the top. So each of us took two and after a while we figure it out, that one would be enough. Anyway we were arguing for almost whole trip about weather. I was very optimistic about sun, but she wasn't. In the end everything was worth doing it, because at the top we had the best view!
cottage Roblek,
dom na Robleku,
pod Begunjščico,
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Still kicking - bouldeR climbinG nationalS
Ahoj! It's been a while from my last post, but I can say I'm back. It happened so much from my last entry so I don't know where to start, but let say I'm gona paste the last thing that I remember.
So for the first time I was part of climbing competition. Actually it was national championship in boulder climbing. The whole event was a show, a little bit different than previous climbing competitions.
Oh, and I have to inform you that photos in some old post's wont work due to some re-arranging on my FLICKR account.
more on/at/in Gallery
So for the first time I was part of climbing competition. Actually it was national championship in boulder climbing. The whole event was a show, a little bit different than previous climbing competitions.
Oh, and I have to inform you that photos in some old post's wont work due to some re-arranging on my FLICKR account.
more on/at/in Gallery
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Lov na strele bolj kot ne neuspešen. Dolgočasno čakanje je pripeljalo do igranja z lučko in kančka sreče....
Todays hunt for lightning didn't go well. In while I got really bored and started using light in front camera and then luck came around...
Todays hunt for lightning didn't go well. In while I got really bored and started using light in front camera and then luck came around...
Sunday, 1 April 2012
The fastest mustache
Ded, katerega slovar ne pozna besede počasi.... prvi slovenec s kristalnim globusom za sezono 2011/12 v ski crossu.... sam svoj sponzor..... legenda..... Filip Flisar
A man wich dictionary doesn't know the word slow..... first Slovenian with crystal globe in ski cross in season 2011/12....... he is his own sponsor...... a lagend.... Filip Flisar
A man wich dictionary doesn't know the word slow..... first Slovenian with crystal globe in ski cross in season 2011/12....... he is his own sponsor...... a lagend.... Filip Flisar
Filip Flisar,
ski cross,
the fastest mustache,
Luža 007
Na smučarskem centru RTC Krvavec, se je med 30. marcem in 1. aprilom odvila že tradicionalna Luža contest. Vse več je mladih nadebudnih tekmovalcev, med starimi mački pa kot vsako leto nastopi tudi Filip Fliser, zmagovalec kristalnega globusa 2012 v ski crossu.....
Between 30. march and 1. april, we had tradicional Luža contest on ski resort RTC Krvavec. Every year we see more young riders, but the old guys are still here and one of them is Filip Flisar, winner of crystal globe 2012 in ski cross...
Between 30. march and 1. april, we had tradicional Luža contest on ski resort RTC Krvavec. Every year we see more young riders, but the old guys are still here and one of them is Filip Flisar, winner of crystal globe 2012 in ski cross...
Monday, 27 February 2012
HDD Tilia Olimpija vs SAPA Fehervar
Včeraj je bila odigrana četrta četrtfinalna tekma v ligi Ebel med Tilio Olimpijo in Sapo Fehervar. Zmaji so doma z rezultatom 6:4 odpravili Sapo in sedaj potujejo na Madžarsko po prvo zmago v končnici.....
Yesterday teams Tilia Olimpija and Sapa Fehervar played fourth quarter-final match in Ebel league. Dragons won at home with result 6:4 and are now headed to Hungary for their first win in play-offs
gallery from yesterdays match between Tilia Olimpija & Sapa Fehervar
hala Tivoli,
HDD Olimpija,
Hokej. Sport,
Ice Hockey,
Sapa Fehervar,
Tilia Olimpija,
Sunday, 26 February 2012
EHF Women's Champions League
Tudi po tretji rundi, Krimovke še brez zmage....
After round 3, Krim girls still without win
After round 3, Krim girls still without win
Alja Koren,
Arena Stozice,
Champions league,
Kristina Franic,
liga prvakinj,
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Zaradi zelo vetrovnega vremena je nebo kristalno jasno. Trenutek, ki ga je bilo potrebno izkoristit, saj je razgled za mojo hišo na smučišče Krvavec in sosednje hribe prelep.
Because of the very windy weather the sky is crystal clear. Moment that I had to take on a photo, because the view behind my house on a ski resort Krvavec and hills around it is just awesome...
Because of the very windy weather the sky is crystal clear. Moment that I had to take on a photo, because the view behind my house on a ski resort Krvavec and hills around it is just awesome...
Kamnisko Savinjske alpe,
modro nebo,
smucisce Krvavec,
Monday, 13 February 2012
Ski Jumping Ladies
Prvič, upam da ne zadnjič, je svetovni pokal v smučarskih skokih za ženske obiskal Slovenijo. Dekleta so se v dveh tekmovalnih dneh pomerila na skakalnici v Ljubnem ob Savinji. Absolutna zmagovalka je z novim rekordom skakalnice postala Američanka Sarah Hendrickson....
For the first time and I hope not for the last, FIS world cup ski jumping competiton for ladies visited Slovenia. Within two days of racing ladies competed on a hill at Ljubno ob Savinji. Absolute winner with a new hill record was Sarah Hendrickson from US of America....
For the first time and I hope not for the last, FIS world cup ski jumping competiton for ladies visited Slovenia. Within two days of racing ladies competed on a hill at Ljubno ob Savinji. Absolute winner with a new hill record was Sarah Hendrickson from US of America....
klik on Gallery for photos from Ljubno
Thursday, 9 February 2012
CEV Challenge Cup
V pokalu CEV se je ljubljanska ekipa ACH Volleya po zmagi nad Belgijci prebila v polfinale.
ACH Volley won yesterdays match in CEV Challenge Cup against Knack Roeselare from Belgium. They are now headed to semifinals....
ACH Volley won yesterdays match in CEV Challenge Cup against Knack Roeselare from Belgium. They are now headed to semifinals....
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Po dolgem času spet nekaj fotografij iz športa, ki ga obožujem in tudi igram. V ponudbi ena fotka, več pa na povezavi do galerije na spletni strani badminton kluba Medvode.
After some time, again some photos from sport that I adore and play. Today only one photo but you can find gallery on link below
After some time, again some photos from sport that I adore and play. Today only one photo but you can find gallery on link below
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Zadnja tekma, nov poraz. S tem je tekmovanje v ligi prvakov končano, še zdaleč pa ne sezona. Ekipa ACH Volley bo sezono nadaljevala v pokalu CEV
Last game, new defeat. Champions league is now over, but not the season. Team ACH Volley is now headed to cup CEV
Last game, new defeat. Champions league is now over, but not the season. Team ACH Volley is now headed to cup CEV
Gallery on FLICKR
ACH Volley,
Dvorana Stožice,
liga prvakov v odbojki,
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